|-+ $RUBYLIBが通ってるディレクトリ |-- publickeycryptosystem.rb |-+ publickeycryptosystem |--elgamal.rb |--rsa.rb |--utils.rb
module PublicKeyCryptosystem VERSION = "0.0.1" DEBUG = false end
# ElGamal Encrypton for Ruby # require 'publickeycryptosystem' require 'publickeycryptosystem/utils' module PublicKeyCryptosystem module ElGamal extend Utils class PublicKey include Utils def initialize(bit_length, p, g, y) @split_length = bit_length - 1 @p = p @g = g @y = y end attr_reader :split_length, :p, :g, :y def encode(message) r = rand(@p - 1) + 1 c1 = expmod(@g, r, @p) unpacked = message.unpack("b*")[0].scan(/.{1,#{@split_length.to_s}}/) y1 = expmod(@y, r, @p) c2s = unpacked.collect do |bits| expmod(Integer("0b#{bits}") * y1, 1, @p) end Cryptogram.new(c1, c2s, @split_length - unpacked[-1].length) end end class PrivateKey include Utils def initialize(bit_length, p, x) @split_length = bit_length - 1 @p = p @x = x end attr_reader :split_length, :p, :x def decode(crypt) c3 = expmod(crypt.c1, @p - 1 - @x, @p) unpacked = crypt.c2s.collect do |c2| bits = sprintf("%#b", (c2 * c3).modulo(@p))[2..-1] "0" * (@split_length - bits.length) + bits end unpacked[-1] = unpacked[-1][crypt.padding..-1] [unpacked.join("")].pack("b*") end end class Cryptogram def initialize(c1, c2s, padding) @c1 = c1 @c2s = c2s @padding = padding end attr_reader :c1, :c2s, :padding def decode(private_key) private_key.decode(this) end end def make_key(bit_length) pair = generate_prime_and_primitive_root(bit_length) p = pair[:prime] g = pair[:primitive_root] x = rand(p - 1) + 1 y = expmod(g, x, p) return {:public => PublicKey.new(bit_length, p,g,y), :private => PrivateKey.new(bit_length, p,x) } end module_function :make_key end end
# RSA Encrypton for Ruby # require 'digest/sha2' class Digest::Base def self.open(path) obj = new File.open(path, 'rb') {|f| buf = "" while f.read(256, buf) obj << buf end } obj end def self.read(io) obj = new buf = "" while io.read(256, buf) obj << buf end obj end end require 'publickeycryptosystem/utils' require 'publickeycryptosystem' module PublicKeyCryptosystem module RSA extend Utils class PublicKey include Utils def initialize(bit_length, n, e) @split_length = bit_length - 1 @n = n @e = e end attr_reader :split_length, :n, :e def encode(message) unpacked = message.unpack("b*")[0].scan(/.{1,#{@split_length.to_s}}/) padding = @split_length - unpacked[-1].length cs = unpacked.collect do |bits| expmod(Integer("0b#{bits}") , @e, @n) end Cryptogram.new(cs, padding) end def verify?(sign, str_or_io) if str_or_io.kind_of? String h = Integer("0x#{Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(str_or_io)}") else h = Integer("0x#{Digest::SHA256.read(str_or_io).hexdigest}") end expmod(sign.sign, @e, @n) == h % @n end def verify_file?(sign, file) h = Integer("0x#{Digest::SHA256.open(path).hexdigest}") expmod(sign.sign, @e, @n) == h % @n end end class PrivateKey include Utils def initialize(bit_length, n, d) @split_length = bit_length - 1 @n = n @d = d end attr_reader :split_length, :n, :d def decode(crypt) unpacked = crypt.cs.collect do |c| bits = sprintf("%#b", expmod(c, @d, @n))[2..-1] "0" * (@split_length - bits.length) + bits end unpacked[-1] = unpacked[-1][crypt.padding..-1] [unpacked.join("")].pack("b*") end def signature(str_or_io) if str_or_io.kind_of? String h = Integer("0x#{Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(str_or_io)}") else h = Integer("0x#{Digest::SHA256.read(str_or_io).hexdigest}") end Signature.new(expmod(h, @d, @n)) end def signature_file(path) h = Integer("0x#{Digest::SHA256.open(path).hexdigest}") Signature.new(expmod(h, @d, @n)) end end class Cryptogram def initialize(cs, padding) @cs = cs @padding = padding end attr_reader :cs, :padding def decode(private_key) private_key.decode(this) end end class Signature def initialize(sign) @sign = sign end attr_reader :sign def verify?(public_key, str_or_io) public_key.verify? self, str_or_io end def verify_file?(public_key, file) public_key.verify_file? self, file end end def make_key(bit_length) if bit_length % 2 == 0 p_length = q_length = bit_length / 2 else p_length = bit_length / 2 q_length = bit_length / 2 + 1 end n, e, d = loop do p = generate_prime(p_length) q = generate_prime(q_length) next if p == q # same is error n = p * q next if n >> (bit_length - 1) == 0 # n's bit length != bit_length # search e p_minus_1_times_q_minus_1 = (p - 1)*(q - 1) e = loop do e = rand(p_minus_1_times_q_minus_1 - 1) + 1 break e if p_minus_1_times_q_minus_1.gcd(e) == 1 end # search inverse element (=d) dummy, dummy, inverse_element = extended_euclidean(p_minus_1_times_q_minus_1, e) if inverse_element > 0 d = inverse_element break n, e, d end end return {:public => PublicKey.new(bit_length, n, e), :private => PrivateKey.new(bit_length, n, d) } end module_function :make_key end end
# Public-key cryptosystem's utility # require 'rational' module PublicKeyCryptosystem module Utils module_function def expmod(base, exp, m) if exp == 0 1 elsif exp & 0b1 == 0 # even n = expmod(base, exp.div(2), m) (n * n) % m else # odd (base * expmod(base, exp - 1, m)) % m end end def extended_euclidean(a, b) if a < b a, b = b, a end a_i_minus_1, x_i_minus_1, y_i_minus_1 = a, 1, 0 a_i, x_i, y_i = b, 0, 1 while (a_i != 0) q_i_plus_1 = a_i_minus_1 / a_i a_i_plus_1 = a_i_minus_1 - q_i_plus_1 * a_i x_i_plus_1 = x_i_minus_1 - q_i_plus_1 * x_i y_i_plus_1 = y_i_minus_1 - q_i_plus_1 * y_i a_i_minus_1, x_i_minus_1, y_i_minus_1 = a_i, x_i, y_i a_i, x_i, y_i = a_i_plus_1, x_i_plus_1, y_i_plus_1 end d, x, y = a_i_minus_1, x_i_minus_1, y_i_minus_1 return d, x, y end def generate_prime_and_primitive_root(bit_length) loop do q = generate_prime(bit_length - 1) if prime?((q << 1) + 1) # prime?(2*q + 1) p = (q << 1) + 1 loop do g = rand(p - 1) + 1 if expmod(g, 2, p) != 1 && expmod(g, q, p) != 1 return {:prime => p, :primitive_root => g} end end end end end def generate_prime(bit_length) loop do n = generate_random_bits(bit_length) return n if prime? n end end def prime?(n) return false if n < 2 return true if n == 2 return false if (n & 0b1) == 0 # even number is composite return miller_rabin_test(n, 100) == :prime end def miller_rabin_test(n, t) # search s,r (n-1 = 2**s * r, r is odd) s = 1 r = 1 loop do r, m = (n - 1).divmod(1 << s) # 1 << s = 2**s break if m == 0 && r % 2 == 1 s = s + 1 end # test t.times do |dummy| y_0 = expmod((rand(n - 1) + 1), r, n) next if y_0 == 1 || y_0 == (n - 1) result = Array(s - 1).inject(y_0) do |old, dummy| new = expmod(old, 2, n) break if new == n - 1 new end next unless result return :composite end return :prime end private def generate_random_bits(bit_length) Array.new(bit_length - 1).inject(1) do |result, dummy| (result << 1) | rand(2) end end end end
#/usr/bin/env ruby # genetate ElGamal publib private key require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'publickeycryptosystem/elgamal' def main bit_length = 10 public_key_file = nil private_key_file = nil parser = OptionParser.new parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options]" parser.on('--bits=BITS',Integer, 'Number of bits in the key to create.') {|bits| bit_length = bits } parser.on('--public=FILENAME', 'public key output') {|name| public_key_file = name; } parser.on('--private=FILENAME', 'private key output') {|name| private_key_file = name; } parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit') { puts parser.help exit 0; } begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err $stderr.puts err.message $stderr.puts parser.help exit 1 end begin keys = PublicKeyCryptosystem::ElGamal.make_key(bit_length) public_output = $stdout public_output = File.open(public_key_file, "w") if public_key_file public_output.puts YAML.dump(keys[:public]) public_output.close if public_key_file private_output = $stdout private_output = File.open(private_key_file, "w") if private_key_file private_output.puts YAML.dump(keys[:private]) private_output.close if private_key_file rescue => err $stderr.puts err.message exit 1 end end main
#/usr/bin/env ruby # genetate ElGamal cryptogram require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'publickeycryptosystem/elgamal' def main public_key_file = nil message_file = nil cryptogram_file = nil parser = OptionParser.new parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] <public key>" parser.on('--cryptogram=FILEANME', 'cryptogram output file') {|name| cryptogram_file = name } parser.on('--message=FILENAME', 'message input file') {|name| message_file = name; } parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit') { puts parser.help exit 0; } begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err $stderr.puts err.message $stderr.puts parser.help exit 1 end unless ARGV.size == 1 $stderr.puts "too many argument or no argument" $stderr.puts parser.help exit 1 end public_key_file = ARGV.shift begin public_key = YAML.load_file(public_key_file) unless public_key.instance_of? PublicKeyCryptosystem::ElGamal::PublicKey raise StandardError.new("no public key file") end message_input = STDIN message_input = File.open(message_file, "r") if message_file message = message_input.read() message_input.close if message_file cryptogram = public_key.encode(message) cryptogram_output = STDOUT cryptogram_output = File.open(cryptogram_file, "w") if cryptogram_file cryptogram_output.puts(YAML.dump(cryptogram)) cryptogram_output.close if cryptogram_file rescue => err $stderr.puts err.message exit 1 end end main
#/usr/bin/env ruby # decode ElGamal cryptogram require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'publickeycryptosystem/elgamal' def main private_key_file = nil message_file = nil cryptogram_file = nil parser = OptionParser.new parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] <private key>" parser.on('--cryptogram=FILENAME', 'cryptogram input file') {|name| cryptogram_file = name; } parser.on('--message=FILENAME', 'message output file') {|name| message_file = name; } parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit') { puts parser.help exit 0; } begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err $stderr.puts err.message $stderr.puts parser.help exit 1 end unless ARGV.size == 1 $stderr.puts "too many argument or no argument" $stderr.puts parser.help exit 1 end private_key_file = ARGV.shift begin private_key = YAML.load_file(private_key_file) unless private_key.instance_of? PublicKeyCryptosystem::ElGamal::PrivateKey raise StandardError.new("no private key file") end if cryptogram_file cryptogram = YAML.load_file(cryptogram_file) else cryptogram = YAML.load(STDIN) end unless cryptogram.instance_of? PublicKeyCryptosystem::ElGamal::Cryptogram raise StandardError.new("no cryptogram file") end message = private_key.decode(cryptogram) message_output = $stdout message_output = File.open(message_file, "w") if message_file message_output.puts message message_output.close if message_file rescue => err $stderr.puts err.message exit 1 end end main
#/usr/bin/env # digital signature test require 'optparse' require 'pp' require 'publickeycryptosystem/rsa' def main bit_length = 10 message_file = nil parser = OptionParser.new parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options]" parser.on('--bits=BITS',Integer, 'Number of bits in the key to create.') {|bits| bit_length = bits } parser.on('--message=FILENAME', 'message input file') {|name| message_file = name; } parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit') { puts parser.help exit 0; } begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err $stderr.puts err.message $stderr.puts parser.help exit 1 end keys = PublicKeyCryptosystem::RSA.make_key(bit_length) message = "" if message_file File.open(message_file, "rb") {|f| message = f.read() } else message = STDIN.read() end if message != keys[:private].decode(keys[:public].encode(message)) $stderr.puts "rsa encrypton is broken." exit 1 end sign = keys[:private].signature(message) if keys[:public].verify?(sign, message) != true $stderr.puts "digital signature is broken." exit 1 end $stdout.puts "rsa encryption and rsa signature are running." end main
> ruby elgamalkeygen.rb --bits=1024 --public=public_key --private=private_key > ruby elgamalencode.rb public_key < message_file | ruby elgamaldecode private_key | diff - message_file > ruby digitalsignature.rb --bits=1024 < message_file
--- !ruby/object:PublicKeyCryptosystem::ElGamal::PublicKey g: 121296486958969384930197694811581567108654703145467119337622260194797785277700923543849537033839638679285736554264100470527380830653704216480739459231693450853185625469099781323341612386833129138110507777238262827131187182404679749038074397890924265120547289683179357699026505173471876088465147475100354019166 p: 141451930331523386051653341311913273306092233328370587964756270766022988793924108831464134045680505951753325165721147729176922544377658954018237821872796888331275172664782824785569014046881803380294181814585916526718657473189402749715244485177480277653160469835344865412489959973892731685643395894696231732843 split_length: 1023 y: 4318888890312082967569844357485121052171996030716349816138769955784425799535497679896841570382173742040760149183879360872883743142664837816814965450354810695495320238770737707167231436868417592332467647912134733347007157298901184591920869769061779772182612478538448027597063901319404557075718978292562454341
--- !ruby/object:PublicKeyCryptosystem::ElGamal::PrivateKey p: 141451930331523386051653341311913273306092233328370587964756270766022988793924108831464134045680505951753325165721147729176922544377658954018237821872796888331275172664782824785569014046881803380294181814585916526718657473189402749715244485177480277653160469835344865412489959973892731685643395894696231732843 split_length: 1023 x: 9976825294289580220861660681092361859863497994819211137267154454770652599773966014175750112864214316095752077219556363677153849255765879053312737438622741454845533086695216321914140859646225474674669249254490951941851692347532748460635175110091834950681438661188435630448082148366453045282304409192045431008
elgamalkeygenがものすごく遅いので注意してください。1024bitの鍵を作るのにPentiumM 1GHzで7時間くらい?かかりました。
- SICP p28 expmod
- Wizard Bible
- 青木日記 2007-03-29
- etc