(find-kahua-instance class slot-name slot-value)で使うときは、slot-nameが:indexでかつ:uniqueでないといけないらしい。
blog(3sq:59mvs)> (find-kahua-instance <article> 'title "test2") *** ERROR: value for key :index is not provided: (:allocation :persistent :init-keyword :title :init-value "") Stack Trace: _______________________________________ 0 (kahua-error-string e #t) At line 285 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua/server.scm" 1 (slot-definition-option slot :index) At line 1664 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua/persistence.scm" 2 (index-slot-type class slot-name) At line 1670 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua/persistence.scm" 3 (eval body env) At line 287 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua/server.scm" 4 (with-error-to-port error-output (cut with-output-to-port std-outp ... At line 212 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua/server.scm" 5 (kahua-default-handler header body reply-cont default-handler :err ... At line 116 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua-server.scm" 6 proc 7 (with-error-handler (lambda (e) (let ((e e)) (%guard-rec e e (else ... [unknown location] 8 (for-each (lambda (h) (apply (car h) (cdr h))) (append (pick-handl ... At line 130 of "/home/troter/local/share/gauche/0.8.9/lib/gauche/selector.scm" 9 (selector-select selector) At line 165 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua-server.scm" 10 (do ((limit 100) (_ 0 (+ _ 1))) ((>= _ limit)) (selector-select se ... [unknown location] 11 proc 12 (run-server worker-id sockaddr profile) At line 245 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua-server.scm" 13 (call/cc (lambda (bye) (define (finish-server sig) (log-format "[~ ... At line 231 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua-server.scm" blog(3sq:59mvs)> (find-kahua-instance <article> 'title "test2") *** KAHUA-PERSISTENCE-ERROR: title is not a unique index slot Stack Trace: _______________________________________ 0 (kahua-error-string e #t) At line 285 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua/server.scm" 1 (eval body env) At line 287 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua/server.scm" 2 (with-error-to-port error-output (cut with-output-to-port std-outp ... At line 212 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua/server.scm" 3 (kahua-default-handler header body reply-cont default-handler :err ... At line 116 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua-server.scm" 4 proc 5 (with-error-handler (lambda (e) (let ((e e)) (%guard-rec e e (else ... [unknown location] 6 (for-each (lambda (h) (apply (car h) (cdr h))) (append (pick-handl ... At line 130 of "/home/troter/local/share/gauche/0.8.9/lib/gauche/selector.scm" 7 (selector-select selector) At line 165 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua-server.scm" 8 (do ((limit 100) (_ 0 (+ _ 1))) ((>= _ limit)) (selector-select se ... [unknown location] 9 proc 10 (run-server worker-id sockaddr profile) At line 245 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua-server.scm" 11 (call/cc (lambda (bye) (define (finish-server sig) (log-format "[~ ... At line 231 of "/home/troter/c/kahua/lib/kahua/kahua-server.scm"